
After spring break and the start of the next quarter in college, I saw a girl in my philosophy class that I recognized. She was someone I saw near Susan’s hot dog stand a few weeks before I accepted Christ. She was one of the people that I’d tried aura reading on and got nothing. Even though I was a Christian now, I remembered Liar telling me when I first saw her that having no aura meant she had no soul. When I saw her in class, that memory made me nervous, especially when she chose the seat next to mine. Before class started, however, she draw a large cross in the top margin of her notepad. It was then that I remembered back in high school, when none of the Liar’s false gifts worked on Mary, either. Mary was a Christian. I wondered if none of Liar’s false gifts worked on this woman was because she was a Christian too.

After class, she introduced herself as Amanda. She asked me if I were a Christian. I told her yes. She was surprised to hear that. She said she was a Christian as well and that the Lord instructed her talk to me several weeks ago. However, she knew that I was in the occult at the time and was afraid that I would try to cast a spell on her. She asked if I was still in the occult and pointed out the crystals I still wore around my neck. I told her I wasn’t into that anymore and the crystals were just crystals now.

She invited me to a fellowship meeting the following night at 7:30 PM. I didn’t know what fellowship meant, and Liar was screaming at me to get away from this woman, so I was hesitant to go. It must have been obvious because she said that if I preferred, she could meet me outside and then introduce me to everyone before the meeting. That sounded far less intimidating, so I agreed.

The following night, with Liar still spewing unholy threats inside my head, I met her outside the building. Again, Liar told me to get away from her and to not enter the building, but I ignored him. As we were about to go inside, Liar seized control over my body. At first, my legs froze up, then I felt what seemed to be like a giant hand close over my throat. I could still breathe, but I couldn’t speak at all. Then, I lost control over my arms and toppled over. I lied there, seized and in bondage to a demon who I’d asked to enter my body five years before.

Amanda went straight into prayer, speaking indecipherably. I don’t know if she was speaking in tongues or if Liar just make me unable to understand what she was saying. When she was done, she looked up and commanded Liar to be bound in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and for him to leave me, for I was now Christ's, and he had no power over me. To my surprise, Liar had no choice but to obey. He left and as soon as he did, my arms regained their function, my throat cleared up and could move my legs again. The last thing Liar did was kick me in the head on the way out.

After he was gone, Amanda laid hands on me and prayed for Jesus to fill me with the Spirit now that the demon was gone. I felt overwhelmed by power and love, but the experience was very different than how it felt when Liar was in me. The Holy Spirit is far more powerful than any demon, but isn’t loud and full of pride like Liar was. The Spirit is quiet, gentle and patient. It felt weird not hearing anything in my head anymore, especially since Liar had been so vocal and disruptive since I accepted Christ. Amanda and I prayed together for what must have been an hour. The fellowship meeting ended, and people left the building while we were still praying.

After we were done praying, I removed the two crystal and silver amulets that I wore around my neck and gave them to her. I asked her to dispose of them in a way that they would never harm anyone ever again, for I used them often while I was in the occult.

When she left to dispose of them, I went into the bathroom to clean myself up. There was a large open window there that led into the dark, landscaped area behind the building. I knew all I had to do was crawl out of the window and I could go back to the New Age group and walk away from Christ. I could invite Liar back into my body and get back everything I had lost. If I left the bathroom through the front door, that meant walking away from my old life and in faith accepting an entirely new life, which was a scary choice! Once again, I was standing between the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Darkness. It was tempting to return to the old life, even though I knew it was based on a web of lies, but I knew what I had to do. I walked out the front door. For the first time in my life, I knew peace.


True Power Revealed


A New Life