A False Prophet, Possessed
Up until now, I kept these gifts to myself because I didn’t want anyone to think I was crazy. After I knew the gifts were real, Liar encouraged me to use them openly, especially the gift of telling the future. Whenever he’d give me a prediction about anything, I’d tell people about it. Through Liar, I told my classmates everything from when they would get a pop quiz to what grades they were going to get on their tests. The biggest prediction Liar had me to tell them was the date of the nuclear cataclysm that was to mark be beginning of the end of the world: April 21st, 1994.
To my dismay, I soon found myself surrounded by people wanting to know anything I could tell them about the future. For someone as introverted as I am, that’s a living nightmare! I couldn't take the stress of predicting the futures of countless adolescent kids, so I stopped giving them anything Liar told me. Instead, I made up outrageous conflicting stories just to get them to leave me alone. I found it odd that Liar wasn’t offended by this, but I never asked him why.
To my dismay, my plan to get my classmates to leave me alone worked all too well. For an entire year after that, nobody would speak to me. The only exceptions were family, teachers and a hapless kid named Jeremy who was convinced that I was some sort of messiah. He devoted himself to worshiping me. Even though he was my only human friend left, I found his his mindless devotion repulsive. The more abuse I heaped onto him, the more he was convinced that I was just testing him. The only real friend I thought I had at the time was Liar, which in retrospect was probably his goal all along. Liar stayed with me through it all. He said I shouldn’t lament the loss of my old friendships. All I needed was his teachings and my gifts.
Now that he had my undivided attention, he began to instruct me with a very different type of religious teaching than any I’d heard of before. He said that the Bible was originally true and written faithfully. However, in the millennia since it was written, many of the truths in its pages were either lost or changed and corrupted by evil men . Only he could tell me which passages were still true and which were lies. It was then that he had me pull out my old King James Bible. He told me which passages I should read and which I should ignore. He had me read selected passages, taken out of context, to support a new religion that he was beginning to teach me.
Liar taught me there were multiple gods, not just one God and the Devil. Many of these gods were selfish, destructive and evil, but four of them were good. He said that passages in the Bible that mention the Trinity originally included a fourth god, one whose name he wasn’t yet allowed to reveal. Nevertheless, he said I should pray to this fourth god in addition to the traditional Father, Son and Holy Spirit. After I was convinced that those teachings were true, Liar claimed that he wasn’t just some spirit guide but that he was in fact the Holy Spirit. He showed me more select passages from the Bible (see the Q&A page for which ones) which he used to convince me that I needed to accept him into my body. He showed me how to build an altar and how to perform a ritual where I would give a burnt offering and invite him into my body. Shortly after my thirteenth birthday, I followed his instructions and Liar became the lord of my life.